Eight o’clock was the official rise up time, but
surprisingly many were up earlier feasting on shreddies and the occasional
morsel of toast!! Breakfast flowed into packing and cleaning up, and by 10.30am
we were ready to take off from Arsel on our little jaunt into the big city.
Healthy Life leftovers was all we could afford... |
Given about 3 hours to kill, murder weapons were thin on the
ground. Wool shops, wool shops and more wool shops, a café (polser, chips and a
coke for £2.00) and more wool shops, a supermarket (where I discovered some
brunekager!) and a pastry stall. Reykjavik cannot be said to buzz. Murmur might
be putting it a little strong.
Back on the bus at 2.00pm and on the way to Keflavik at
last. Chain man unloaded the rucksacks and regrouped into our science fires.
Checking in went unhitched followed by duty frees and then an un-alcoholic
drink from a none-the-less very expensive duty-free bar.
The airport was very
busy sending Americans back where they came from and our boarding announcement
was very late, preceded by an announcement of an offer of a free night in the best hotel in Reykjavik
– all expenses paid plus spending money to anyone who would like to take the
next plane – over-booking but not quite Nigeria style – leaving us Sean-less.
Boarding was quick and easy, in front and back, and I have just finished my
first meal of real meat (i.e. not just dehy, luncheon, corned or fish!) in 4
weeks. In about 2 hours’ time I will be in London. This will finally be over.
We’re landing now. I think I can finally say R.I.P. to this
diary and B.S.E.S..
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